Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer Is Finally Here For Good!

See Kids, It can be used for more than swimming!

Mom said this is "not a toy", so what is it?

Oh what a wonderful past 4 days--the weather is as beautiful as it gets! The pups are enjoying the outside and we all have climbed out of the "rainy day dumps". Yesterday was our hospital's Golf Tournament, and I volunteer each year. It is so much fun to see all my "old friends" (lol) I went up to Marion's in the morning and gave the crew breakfast, put them out in the run with toys and their Mom, and cleaned up the sleeping area. Then I spent about an hour just playing with them. They are so cute...they make eye contact and then launch themselves at you, trying to get to the top of the mountain of other pups all barking, licking, and of course chewing on what ever is available (toes, leg, arm, "bottom" etc). Today I'm off with grandchildren to a local amusement park, so I played with the crew this a.m. and Alice and her husband, Paul, will do the afternoon honors.
Thanks to Alice for the pictures on the blog today. (taken Sunday). As soon as I get the link to Jeremy's site, I'll post it and you can see many more pictures.
We have friends flying in from western Canada on Thursday and another friend is flying in from Sweden on Friday, so the pups lives will be full of IWS loving, puppy loving people for the next week.
Talk to you tomorrow.

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