Sunday, November 8, 2009

Great Information from Alice and Harley

Just got this from Alice..a great reminder for those of us who train pups, and great information for those who are just starting!

4-8 months
puppy will test its wings
may challenge owner to resolve the question of leadership
may not come when called
may not play fetch, even though it once did (Harley?)
he'll be uncomfortable because his adult teeth are coming in
Be prepared with enough chew bones (make sure they're large enough so pup doesn't choke) to help with your pup's need to chew. Use a long line in the park if the pup isn't coming when called....and bring your puppy to an obedience class.

Alice and I are lucky as we have some wonderful training places to go to with great trainers..we have choices of place and time, so we there are no excuses for our dogs! Actually both pups are smart and happy to do what we ask (ok-there are times when selective hearing comes into play) and we are continuing on with the classes we've started.

Grand Reunion

Seven IWS get together. Left to right upper, Ranger, Emma, Kayla, Rosa. Lower are Topper, Ava and Harley. Oh yes, and Emily.

Harley sporting a pink collar, plays with Ava (on the bottom) and Topper.

Florence, Greg, Alice and Kathleen.

Marion (in red coat) watches from the chair.

Yesterday, November 7Th, was a bright sunny cold day up here in NH. Florence Blecher, an Irish Water Spaniel women from California, had come to the east coast for a conference, so it was the perfect excuse for Marion to have a get-together and invite some of the recent Kayla/Seamus pups to come and play. Greg Siner, from NJ was happy to bring Florence up to NH (as he was returning my big male, Ranger, who was bred to Greg's beautiful lady, Maude). Greg brought Maude with him along with his 10 month old pup Eta, she is lovely! Marion has been feeling better recently, so we invited Emily with Ava, Emily's mom Kathleen, Alice with Harley and the pups' mom, Kayla, and of course Topper was there with his "aunt" Rosa. We ended up with 9 Irish Water Spaniels. Some of the dogs elected to stay in their cars, but all were played with and enjoyed. Everyone got to Bradford around 1pm and we spent about an hour playing with the pups in the backyard, evaluating their movement, temperaments and coats. Then it was inside for soup, salad, great bread called "The Healthiest Bread in the World" brought by Alice, and a wonderful cranberry pie baked by Kathleen. Apple cider and lots of talk ate up the rest of the afternoon...but as IWS folks will do, we put the pups up on the grooming table and Emily and Greg trimmed them up. Sporting new looks all pups went home happy and tired! It was a great day! I have posted some of the pictures I took, but there are a lot more, as everyone had a camera. If I get any, I'll post them.
Talk to you soon.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hope Halloween was BOOOOtiful

Topper and His Bat

Topper is not sure about this trick or treat thing!

Gillis sports his Halloween Bandanna

Ava and Sachmo at the Pet Expo

Ava is all Dolled up for AKCs Meet the Breed

Hope all of you had a wonderfully "scary" Halloween! Topper spent it chewing on his new "Bat" and barking at the "Trick or Treaters". We had around 75 people come by and we were giving out a handful of candy to everyone towards the end of the evening (don't want that candy on my hips!)

Topper is doing nicely with his training, but due to some time problems I've had to miss two of his classes. We'll see this Tuesday night if he can pay attention. I have found that any of my dogs will do anything I ask of them, until we get in the setting where there is more distraction than at's then that the repetition pays off, so I work with each one 5-10 mins in the morning and 10-15 mins in the evening. I'll let you know how it goes.

I'm including bits of some of the updates I've received, along with a photo or two.

Yvonne writes "Gillis had his last class on Wednesday and he did graduate. He did much better last week in that he lasted almost the whole hour before plopping down and refusing to do anything. He also didn't chase after other dogs as they walked around him during our "circle" exercise. That is where we all get in a circle with the dogs sitting at "heel" position and one by one the dogs weave in and out around each of the other dogs. The dogs that are sitting are expected to stay there and not react to the dogs that are walking--a lot to expect from a 4-month old who is very social. I think that we will continue to practice the exercises (this time with treats) until he gets a bit older and then try class again if necessary. He is really good about staying when I put his food down. I tell him to sit, and stay, and then I put his food down and don't let him eat it until I say "OK." As much as he loves food, that is quite an achievement for him!
He also had his first grooming with a Halloween bandanna to complete the look. Charles said it was quite traumatic for him but that the women were wonderful with him and gave him lots of treats to get him through the ordeal. Hopefully next time it will be easier. We are off to Deerfield, MA to visit Charles' son and his family and stay with friends--two more dogs to try to play with. We will see how this goes."

Emily sent this "Here is a pretty picture of Ava that Debbie Bilardi took at the meet the breeds." Emily and Ava were in NYC for the AKC Meet the Breeds and then she took Ava to the Pet Expo in Hartford Conn. Ava is as solid as they come, not to mention a beautiful girl, so she won a lot of Fans for the Irish Water Spaniels those two events.

The Tracys wrote that they got together with the Marass family and had Sophie play with Marley..they didn't elaborate, but I gather that the two female pups were not all that happy to see each other, or maybe it was that they were too busy racing around to enjoy the visit? The Tracys did mention that Sophie would be going to classes soon. Guess that says it all.

Well, I will keep you all up to date with any news as I hear it. We are getting into that crazy season, so the posts might be short or just a few photos. I'd love to see any holiday pictures that you take. I promise to post them!
Talk to you soon.