Sunday, November 8, 2009

Great Information from Alice and Harley

Just got this from Alice..a great reminder for those of us who train pups, and great information for those who are just starting!

4-8 months
puppy will test its wings
may challenge owner to resolve the question of leadership
may not come when called
may not play fetch, even though it once did (Harley?)
he'll be uncomfortable because his adult teeth are coming in
Be prepared with enough chew bones (make sure they're large enough so pup doesn't choke) to help with your pup's need to chew. Use a long line in the park if the pup isn't coming when called....and bring your puppy to an obedience class.

Alice and I are lucky as we have some wonderful training places to go to with great trainers..we have choices of place and time, so we there are no excuses for our dogs! Actually both pups are smart and happy to do what we ask (ok-there are times when selective hearing comes into play) and we are continuing on with the classes we've started.

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