Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Three "Moosekateers"

Now this is a forest!

I don't need any swimming goggles, I can see just fine, thank you!

Boy, look at Mom go!

Couldn't resist a little NH humor in the title this morning. The three pups, Topper, Dawn and Harley spent yesterday afternoon and last night with me at my home. My husband, Mike, is having a ball with Dawn. She knows how to bat those big brown eyes! Marion has her house to herself for a few days. Our local "Doggy Day Spa" has puppy play school, so the three of them will go to school probably on Friday..and yes, I'll get pictures of the "first day of school"! My grandchildren will be over to play with the pups on Thursday, as our school system shuts down Thursday, Friday and the long weekend due to the State Fair held in our town.
The pups had a ball as usual this weekend at "Lake Club Med" as you can see by the pictures. We should all have this much fun!
Today I am working with the lead and collar, so they don't do the "puppy flip" every time they have to be on lead. Alice and Kayla, and Rosa and I will be at a Rally Trial this weekend and the pups will be going also. Alice said that the pups are welcome to go to camp with her after the trial, and it looks like a perfect weekend, so we'll do the swap at the show.
We got a wonderful email from the Davis' who have Gillis. He is thriving and enjoying his new home. He apparently does not appreciate the recent heavy rains. Yvonne told a cute story of taking him out to "potty" and him standing under her between her legs so this "Irish Water Spaniel" didn't get wet!! What a hoot!
Hope you all have a great Labor Day Weekend. I'll post pictures of the pups as I get them.

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