Sunday, October 18, 2009

Snow!! Snow!! Snow!!

Marion's Maine Coon Cat, Miss P, before her shampoo.

Harley, Topper and Kayla romp at the ocean.

You got it, it's snowing today here in NH. Can't believe it..the good part is that it is not accumulating! Mike and I watched the NH Patriots (football team for those not into the sport) play in heavy snow down in Massachusetts. It's just a preview of what's to come. We've been splitting and stacking wood all this week-joy oh joy!
Today was filled with other sports too. How's washing a Maine Coon Cat sound to you rugged friends out there? Poor Miss P (Marion's Maine Coon Cat) was ill last night and yes, she had "loose bowels", so today we had to wash her long beautiful coat until it was clean. Did I mention her long beautiful nails (lol)! It was an adventure as always.
Harley and Topper have spent the week with Alice and Paul. With my Rosa and Marion's Emma both in heat, and Ranger going nuts (literally), it was wonderful of Alice and Paul to extend the boys stay with them. Alice took them to the ocean for their first romp on the sand. They loved it. Topper found clam shells and carried them all around. Harley found out that the "kelp" I have been putting on his food actually can be found at the edge of that big ocean after the waves wash it in...and it tastes pretty good too!
I will go to puppy class tomorrow night and get Topper. The screaming and howling you'll hear tomorrow night will be the boys letting both homes know that they miss each other. Harley (or Hunter as he might be called) will be with Alice and Paul and Topper will be with Mike and me or with Marion depending on the needs or schedules.
We are hoping to be down at the Pet Expo next Sunday, so we'll have a bunch of pictures to post after that. I'm working this week at a local school. Ranger will go down to visit "Uncle Greg" in NJ for a bit. Rosa will not be going to classes this week as she is in heat (mid part) and her attention span has shrunk to the size of a dime.
I'll post pictures and stories after the pet expo.
Talk to you then.

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