Sunday, August 16, 2009

Learning At Grandpa's Knee

I've Got The Ball

Are You Sure We Should Follow Him??

Grandpa Imparts Lots of Knowledge

Boy Are You Small!

Everyone In The Pool!

Yesterday afternoon was clear, hot and beautiful. Just the type of day for a swim in the pool. The pups were playing, running and jumping, but very hot, so we filled the pool with nice cool water and put them in. They spent a lot of time climbing out until their Grandpa Ranger showed them how to use this strange piece of equipment to the best advantage. Not only could you get cooler, but you could drink from it, chase balls in it and jump and splash in it!! It was fun to watch them also engage Rosa in play. Rosa is 2 but she ran from, jumped with and chased after them all! It was easy being with them all as they entertained each other. Ranger showed me once again that wonderful caring, gentle side of his personality. After watching him with those pups, I know that I can leave them "in his care" if I need to.
Today is a busy time for me, a surprise 80th birthday party for my husband, Mike, plus all the family that is coming, so I'll close and "get moving". Talk to you tomorrow.

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