Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

What a Wonderful Family!

Aaaahhhh aren't they beautiful!

Look at those little feet!

Watch out world- this is the start of something big!

Happy Birthday to all "our" pups! Here's hoping that there is an extra bone today, maybe an extra walk and everyone you meet gives you a kiss!
And like any proud grandparent--we are going to show everyone your Baby Pictures. We are thinking of you today and so proud of all of you!
With Love
Grandma Pam

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling

Odin loves the water!

Hey, this is really great fun!

This is my cool look!

Odin and his friend Grady try to get into the agility tunnel.

The Mallyree crew would like to send you this traditional Irish blessing:

May St. Patrick guard you wherever you go,
and guide you in whatever you do--
and may his loving protection be a blessing to you always

I have been blessed this past year. I have begun new friendships and strengthened old ones. I have had quality time with my family. I experienced Kayla's pups being born, watched and helped them develop into wonderful, healthy youngsters and moved them on to loving homes. I will toast you all with a large glass of Bailey's (on the rocks) tomorrow, and hope you will all enjoy the day!

The reports from Satchmo's family are that he continues to do well. We'll give you more news and more details in another blog entry, but for now--Thanks for your good wishes and concerns. Gillis's family reports he is healthy, active and happy. Sophie's family reports similar good times (Sophie had her first real "trim"- I'll post her pictures soon). Bloopis in CA is a happy, healthy boy, keeping his family out and about for walks and fun times. Harley is a star in the classes he attends. Alice and I are in a handling class together, our goal being to show our young men, and Harley is very flashy! Topper on the other hand is a handful, head strong, but loves me dearly and is shaping up nicely (you should see my muscles-lol). Ava, and Marlie are beautiful young ladies and full of fun and energy. Odin's story is told below, and as I mentioned before, everyone of these "kids" are well loved!

I wanted to post the following letter from Sylvia Miller, from Sydney Canada, who has Topper's brother, Odin. The pictures posted are of him and I'm sure you can tell, he is enjoying life to the fullest.

"Thought you might like to see some new pictures of Odin. He is beautiful, everyone loves him, his temperament is good, he is very friendly and still getting along with my old dog Grady. He is still going to obedience class and still visiting Roy in the nursing Home.
The picture of the 2 butts are of Grady and Odin trying to both get in the tunnel.
I hope things have settled a bit for you and that you are looking after yourself!

Love Sylvia & Odin 'Dogg'

PS that little monkey-when he doesn't come to me when he is called, I just call 'Dog Dog' and he comes flying, he will never loose that name, I still love it!"

(editor's note--Sylvia couldn't decide on a name for Odin at first. I had gotten him a collar that had DOG, DOG written around it--so she called him DogDog for a while)

I'll close with the more traditional blessing:

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

You Can't Keep A Good Dog Down

What the "In Crowd" is wearing this year!

They tell me this color brings out the sparkle in my eyes!

I promised to keep you up to date on Satchmo's progress. Here is the latest from Marcia and Al.

Satchmo's dressing was changed today -again. It's been 2 days since the last time and it's leaking less every time. So, the punctures are clean & healing. The Dr. said a pup can heal in 4-6 weeks, - Satchmo will be x-rayed for the breaks in about 5 weeks.
His attacker is to be inspected tomorrow. I have high hopes and assume he is healthy. He has been put on the dangerous dog list. The owner & dog are being watched for further infractions, by the dog officer. It seems that they have to be found disobeying the rules set up for them. - the dog needs to be leashed & muzzled.- If he is not, the dog officer says she will remove him.
There is also a yearly penalty upon registering him. When we get more information we'll let you know.
Marcia and Al also sent the pictures I've posted.
We all want to thank everyone for their concern, thoughts, helpful suggestions and warm fuzzy hugs! This hit our "family" hard, but true to form Mallyree All That Jazz is showing the heart and hardiness he has inherited!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Satchmo's Story

Satchmo (left) with his brother Topper

A young Satchmo just relaxing!

Some of you have heard this story, others have not so bare with me and I'll try to give you an account of an attack on "our" Satchmo.

About 10 days ago, Satchmo was out on a walk with Al (his dad). They weren't too far from home. They were approached by a loose bull terrier, who, without any warning, no growl, no posture, launched himself at Satchmo and proceeded to try to rip him apart. That dog attacked Satchmo and hung on. Al kicked and pulled and punched that dog, but as all of us know, they are in for the kill once they bite down. (One trainer I talked to said that one of the only ways to get them off was to break their jaw!)Al was alone, but a man was walking on the street a short distance away and came to help. They wrapped the lead around the bull terrier's neck and choked him and beat him. Finally he let go and Al was able to get Satchmo away from there and to some help. Al did report that Satchmo was able to defend himself fairly well at first, but the bull terrier continued to try to find an opening so he could bring Satchmo down, and he finally took hold of Satchmo's leg. They ended up at Angel Memorial Hospital. Those of us in the NE know that it is a top vet hospital! (one of Satchmo's brothers is owned by a vet who trained there) They found a fractured leg, with puncture wounds in the bone, torn/shredded flesh and tendons etc. They operated on Satchmo and repaired what they could, while leaving some wounds open for drainage. Al and Marcia have been taking Satchmo for daily dressing changes and by all reports, Satchmo is doing very well. They took great care of Satchmo and Al and Marcia are the best "doggy nurses" around!!!
I know we all just shudder at this, but I will say that with all that has happened to Satchmo, Al reports that he is his usual happy, energetic self and has the staff at Angel Memorial Hospital charmed!
I'll post some follow-ups as Satchmo heals. I know that all are pulling for his full recovery! You can email Satchmo c/o his dad, Al, at

Thursday, January 28, 2010

That Rainbow Bridge

Marion Hopkins and CH Mr Muldoon

Marion and two of her beloved IWS

Marion Hopkins age 88

Sad news this time. Marion Hopkins, the Alpha of the Mallyree Kennels family, has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She died Wednesday, January 27Th. She was able to maintain her home, living independently until Tuesday, January 26Th, with her wonderful Irish Water Spaniel, Emma, and her princess Maine Coon Cat, Miss P. Mallyree Kennels will go on, but it will never be the same.
Plans for a celebration of her life are in the works for late spring or early summer - a true dog and family friendly party in her honor. We will keep you in the loop as far as plans go. Marion will be buried next to her husband and her mother in St. Ann's Episcopal Church's cemetery in Sayville, New York.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Harley the Ham

Harley and His Ribbons

I just had to post this picture. Harley is so pleased with himself! So are we. He did a bang up job at the show, tail wagging, paying attention and sending a happy face out to all he could see. The first ribbon (left to right) is for graduation from Puppy Training, the 2 blue ribbons are for the Fist Place he got Saturday and Sunday, the purple and white are for Reserve Winner on those days and the last is for achieving his "Canine Good Citizen". I can tell you that that in itself is quite an achievement for a 6 month old Irish Water Spaniel!
Harley is in a Rally Obedience Class now and doing very well. He and Alice make a great "couple". His brother, Topper, on the other hand has decided to play the devil child. He is into everything! He recently "opened" a backpack that I carry with dog essentials in it for trips, chewed up two leads, pried open a jar of kibble and pulled everything out including my camera (I had wondered where I left it) and got the batteries out! Of course I panicked until I could find both batteries, which I finally did, but I will tell you I was ready for a trip to the emergency vet hospital for "battery extraction". Of course Topper spent the whole time happily racing around the cellar area helping me look. And as usual I was too relieved to do anything but hug him. He does have a sweet, happy nature, I just wish he had a little less Imp in him.
Will post pictures as I get them.
Talk to you soon.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Show Stoppers!

Satchmo is such a good boy!

Satchmo looks really good!

Harley is up on the table for a trim!

Topper waits his turn.

Well, we did it!! We made it through the weekend dog shows without a major hitch. Everyone got their first ribbon. Ava, the beautiful female owned by Emily Pikul and Greg Siner,(she was living in New Jersey -now lives in Mass) was only entered in Friday's Dog Show. She won her first blue ribbon on Friday. Emily was helping handle Satchmo on Saturday and Sunday, so she decided not to enter Ava in those shows. Satchmo (Mallyree All That Jazz) won his first blue ribbon for Puppy Dog 6-9 months Class, Harley (Mallyree Here Comes The Son) won his first blue ribbon for Novice Owner Handler Class, and Topper (Mallyree Top O The Mornin') won his first blue ribbon for Bred by Exhibitor Class. (Just need to mention that they were the only ones in their respective classes, we planned it that way so that they would each have at least two times in the ring to be seen and get the experience of being handled and shown. The Judges got a better look at each this way)
Satchmo was the big winner both days! He beat his brothers winning the Blue Ribbon for Winners Dog (meaning that he beat the other male non-champion dogs.)
I brought my camera, with great intentions of getting wonderful shots of us all--not happening! I was too busy and totally forgot, but thanks to Al and Marcia Newstadt, Satchmo's parents, we are able to post the pictures above!
The weekend was exciting and exhausting and strangely enough we are all looking forward to doing this again...Harley and Topper are now working harder in hopes of "beating" their brother Satchmo and having Ava join them in the next show!
I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Breed Shows This Weekend

Sophie and her friend Mollie love this weather!

It's just Snow!

Everyone please send Positive Vibes our way this weekend, as Alice and Harley, Satchmo and Al (Emily will be handling) and Topper with me on the other end of the leash, head into the breed ring in Fitchburg MA! Alice, Harley, Topper and I have been to classes, just not sure if we have all learned the same thing!(lol).Hope to put up some pictures next week.
Meanwhile here are some wonderful pictures of Sophie, in Maine. She is a beauty and her Mom and Dad (Paul and Rebecca Tracy) have decided to name her “Mallyree Breacadh Ar Katadin” which is Gaelic for Morning on Katahdin. I have posted her pictures in the snow. She loves to play with her friend Mollie….it took 20 minutes in the shower to get the snow out of her fur.
Well I'll close for now. I'll be sure to give you a vivid description of our show experiences.
Talk to you next week.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Catching Up

Oh What Fun

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!<

Not your average IWS!

Do I have to come in?

This is the note I received from Yvonne with news about Gillis in the beginning of December when the snow finally came.

Well, Gillis experienced his first snow storm last night and today. He was so funny last night--trying to eat the snow flakes and jumping in the air to catch them. This morning he went wild tunneling through the snow, sticking his face into it, too, and racing around and through the drifts. We only had about 6-8 inches but he had a blast. He also got snow caked in his fur so that he looked like a horse with white fetlocks. Of course he had to shake it off and then run around the house until he lost most of the snowballs that had clumped on his legs so I now have a VERY clean kitchen and the rugs got a shampoo. The hard part was when this wet body of about 45 lbs. jumped on my lap. Brr.

Hope all is well in New Hampshire!

Best Wishes,


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Ranger eyes "his musical snowmen"

Rosa comes and Topper goes!

Ranger goes and Topper comes--ugh!!!

I can't believe that it's been almost a month since I last updated the blog! I've been burning the candle(s) at both ends--as soon as I run out of one candle, I light another.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! We certainly enjoyed ours. With family all around, our days were full. We received many cards from our "doggy" friends with their dogs happily sitting in front of a tree or on the steps, or in front of the fireplace...HOW DO THEY DO IT???? I tried and tried, but each time I'd get two to sit and look, the third would walk away! Then the other two would take a I've posted my two attempts and will leave it like that. I also put out all my musical stuffed animals, much to the delight of my grandchildren and the enjoyment of the dogs. Ranger especially loved one of them, and would carry it to his crate. Strangely enough, they all survived!
Topper and I have been going to handling classes (for the breed show ring). It's a lot of work, but I really enjoy it. Our instructor spends a lot of time with each of us and is helping to correct many "bad habits" and prevent new ones at the same time. Topper seems to enjoy himself and I must say that "running around a ring" a few times does give me exercise, I'm usually "dripping" by the end of class. Topper and I just started our repeat class of Puppy 101.(I'm just not willing to go to the next level, as I want Topper to have a firm foundation when we go on and our other classes were interrupted by my mother's failing health) I'm sure I've said it before, but Pride does go before a Fall! Our instructor asked who thought their dog would answer to their name...of course I raised my hand as Topper really does know his name...well she walked around with a treat in her hand and stopped at each dog. When the dog realized she had a treat, she had us call their name. The object of the exercise was to have the dog react to their name. Topper never even blinked--not one hair! His nose stayed glued to her hand and he tried his best to follow her!!! Since then he has gotten the message that I have treats too, and will give him some if he pays attention. He really is smart and that's why I am repeating this class!
I will close for now, but will post some of the pictures I have gotten over the last few months. We have heard from some of the owners, and they have sent in their registrations to AKC, I just don't have all the formal names yet..I'll post them as soon as I get the list finished.
We are enjoying a pretty snow fall, which is going to last at least another day, so I'm off to heat up some apple cider and listen to some music.
Best to all and again Happy New Year!