Saturday, December 5, 2009
A Baileys and Hot Cocoa Kind of Night
Topper wants to get Rosa's Rope Toy, Ranger could care less!
Topper really wants that toy!
Rosa loves
"Keep Away"
Topper won't take no for an answer!
December 5th and it's snowing here in NH. It is beautiful! Just the kind of night for a good movies and a Baileys with hot cocoa. Have periodically heard from all puppy families and all the "kids" seem to be healthy, enjoying life and learning the basics in obedience.
Soon we will know all the "registered" names and I'll post them.
It's fun to watch Topper in his first snow. He has tried to catch the flakes, chew them off the ground and roll over in what's accumulated. He, Rosa and Ranger were out playing for two hours, then came in to dry off. I was able to find my camera late in the afternoon and I caught "Christmas Tree Picture", but will keep trying.
Happy Holidays to all.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Great Information from Alice and Harley
Just got this from Alice..a great reminder for those of us who train pups, and great information for those who are just starting!
4-8 months
puppy will test its wings
may challenge owner to resolve the question of leadership
may not come when called
may not play fetch, even though it once did (Harley?)
he'll be uncomfortable because his adult teeth are coming in
Be prepared with enough chew bones (make sure they're large enough so pup doesn't choke) to help with your pup's need to chew. Use a long line in the park if the pup isn't coming when called....and bring your puppy to an obedience class.
Alice and I are lucky as we have some wonderful training places to go to with great trainers..we have choices of place and time, so we there are no excuses for our dogs! Actually both pups are smart and happy to do what we ask (ok-there are times when selective hearing comes into play) and we are continuing on with the classes we've started.
4-8 months
puppy will test its wings
may challenge owner to resolve the question of leadership
may not come when called
may not play fetch, even though it once did (Harley?)
he'll be uncomfortable because his adult teeth are coming in
Be prepared with enough chew bones (make sure they're large enough so pup doesn't choke) to help with your pup's need to chew. Use a long line in the park if the pup isn't coming when called....and bring your puppy to an obedience class.
Alice and I are lucky as we have some wonderful training places to go to with great trainers..we have choices of place and time, so we there are no excuses for our dogs! Actually both pups are smart and happy to do what we ask (ok-there are times when selective hearing comes into play) and we are continuing on with the classes we've started.
Grand Reunion
Seven IWS get together. Left to right upper, Ranger, Emma, Kayla, Rosa. Lower are Topper, Ava and Harley. Oh yes, and Emily.
Harley sporting a pink collar, plays with Ava (on the bottom) and Topper.
Florence, Greg, Alice and Kathleen.
Marion (in red coat) watches from the chair.
Yesterday, November 7Th, was a bright sunny cold day up here in NH. Florence Blecher, an Irish Water Spaniel women from California, had come to the east coast for a conference, so it was the perfect excuse for Marion to have a get-together and invite some of the recent Kayla/Seamus pups to come and play. Greg Siner, from NJ was happy to bring Florence up to NH (as he was returning my big male, Ranger, who was bred to Greg's beautiful lady, Maude). Greg brought Maude with him along with his 10 month old pup Eta, she is lovely! Marion has been feeling better recently, so we invited Emily with Ava, Emily's mom Kathleen, Alice with Harley and the pups' mom, Kayla, and of course Topper was there with his "aunt" Rosa. We ended up with 9 Irish Water Spaniels. Some of the dogs elected to stay in their cars, but all were played with and enjoyed. Everyone got to Bradford around 1pm and we spent about an hour playing with the pups in the backyard, evaluating their movement, temperaments and coats. Then it was inside for soup, salad, great bread called "The Healthiest Bread in the World" brought by Alice, and a wonderful cranberry pie baked by Kathleen. Apple cider and lots of talk ate up the rest of the afternoon...but as IWS folks will do, we put the pups up on the grooming table and Emily and Greg trimmed them up. Sporting new looks all pups went home happy and tired! It was a great day! I have posted some of the pictures I took, but there are a lot more, as everyone had a camera. If I get any, I'll post them.
Talk to you soon.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Hope Halloween was BOOOOtiful
Topper and His Bat
Topper is not sure about this trick or treat thing!
Gillis sports his Halloween Bandanna
Ava and Sachmo at the Pet Expo
Ava is all Dolled up for AKCs Meet the Breed
Hope all of you had a wonderfully "scary" Halloween! Topper spent it chewing on his new "Bat" and barking at the "Trick or Treaters". We had around 75 people come by and we were giving out a handful of candy to everyone towards the end of the evening (don't want that candy on my hips!)
Topper is doing nicely with his training, but due to some time problems I've had to miss two of his classes. We'll see this Tuesday night if he can pay attention. I have found that any of my dogs will do anything I ask of them, until we get in the setting where there is more distraction than at's then that the repetition pays off, so I work with each one 5-10 mins in the morning and 10-15 mins in the evening. I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm including bits of some of the updates I've received, along with a photo or two.
Yvonne writes "Gillis had his last class on Wednesday and he did graduate. He did much better last week in that he lasted almost the whole hour before plopping down and refusing to do anything. He also didn't chase after other dogs as they walked around him during our "circle" exercise. That is where we all get in a circle with the dogs sitting at "heel" position and one by one the dogs weave in and out around each of the other dogs. The dogs that are sitting are expected to stay there and not react to the dogs that are walking--a lot to expect from a 4-month old who is very social. I think that we will continue to practice the exercises (this time with treats) until he gets a bit older and then try class again if necessary. He is really good about staying when I put his food down. I tell him to sit, and stay, and then I put his food down and don't let him eat it until I say "OK." As much as he loves food, that is quite an achievement for him!
He also had his first grooming with a Halloween bandanna to complete the look. Charles said it was quite traumatic for him but that the women were wonderful with him and gave him lots of treats to get him through the ordeal. Hopefully next time it will be easier. We are off to Deerfield, MA to visit Charles' son and his family and stay with friends--two more dogs to try to play with. We will see how this goes."
Emily sent this "Here is a pretty picture of Ava that Debbie Bilardi took at the meet the breeds." Emily and Ava were in NYC for the AKC Meet the Breeds and then she took Ava to the Pet Expo in Hartford Conn. Ava is as solid as they come, not to mention a beautiful girl, so she won a lot of Fans for the Irish Water Spaniels those two events.
The Tracys wrote that they got together with the Marass family and had Sophie play with Marley..they didn't elaborate, but I gather that the two female pups were not all that happy to see each other, or maybe it was that they were too busy racing around to enjoy the visit? The Tracys did mention that Sophie would be going to classes soon. Guess that says it all.
Well, I will keep you all up to date with any news as I hear it. We are getting into that crazy season, so the posts might be short or just a few photos. I'd love to see any holiday pictures that you take. I promise to post them!
Talk to you soon.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Snow!! Snow!! Snow!!
Marion's Maine Coon Cat, Miss P, before her shampoo.
Harley, Topper and Kayla romp at the ocean.
You got it, it's snowing today here in NH. Can't believe it..the good part is that it is not accumulating! Mike and I watched the NH Patriots (football team for those not into the sport) play in heavy snow down in Massachusetts. It's just a preview of what's to come. We've been splitting and stacking wood all this week-joy oh joy!
Today was filled with other sports too. How's washing a Maine Coon Cat sound to you rugged friends out there? Poor Miss P (Marion's Maine Coon Cat) was ill last night and yes, she had "loose bowels", so today we had to wash her long beautiful coat until it was clean. Did I mention her long beautiful nails (lol)! It was an adventure as always.
Harley and Topper have spent the week with Alice and Paul. With my Rosa and Marion's Emma both in heat, and Ranger going nuts (literally), it was wonderful of Alice and Paul to extend the boys stay with them. Alice took them to the ocean for their first romp on the sand. They loved it. Topper found clam shells and carried them all around. Harley found out that the "kelp" I have been putting on his food actually can be found at the edge of that big ocean after the waves wash it in...and it tastes pretty good too!
I will go to puppy class tomorrow night and get Topper. The screaming and howling you'll hear tomorrow night will be the boys letting both homes know that they miss each other. Harley (or Hunter as he might be called) will be with Alice and Paul and Topper will be with Mike and me or with Marion depending on the needs or schedules.
We are hoping to be down at the Pet Expo next Sunday, so we'll have a bunch of pictures to post after that. I'm working this week at a local school. Ranger will go down to visit "Uncle Greg" in NJ for a bit. Rosa will not be going to classes this week as she is in heat (mid part) and her attention span has shrunk to the size of a dime.
I'll post pictures and stories after the pet expo.
Talk to you then.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Fall Foliage in New Hampshire
Gillis enjoys the falling leaves.
What a tough life Gillis leads!
Ranger, Rosa, Topper and Harley really want to come out to play.
Poor Topper--does this scar give him the sexy look?
What beautiful colors--and it isn't even the peak of the season.
What a beautiful time of year. The colors here in NH are exquisite! The "boys", Harley and Topper, are enjoying the cooler weather. They love chasing the leaves around the yard. It's like a wonderful game made just for them. Rosa joins in frequently, while Ranger just does the "eye roll"! Poor Topper, he is now sporting a "scar" on his nose, as he stuck it where it wasn't welcomed. He did learn tho, that you don't put your nose into a crate when an older dog has a meaty bone. We are hoping it heals without the "bald look"!
Both Harley and Topper are enjoying their puppy classes. They both sit and we are working on stay. They both go "down", although the stay part is iffy - they both just roll onto their backs and grin! Walking on a lead is coming along, and they seem to get it, but I don't think they like it! They are spoiled (of course), but are happy to try...that's all I ask of them. Time, consistency and repetition will do the trick..they are smart and I know that they will be happy, trained, well socialized little 4 footed members of the family. (I hope you noticed I didn't say well trained, nor did I mention a time frame--lol).
Got a nice note from Laurie (in Maine -she and Nelson have "Dawn" who is now Marley)
She writes: Nelson and I got married Oct. 3. Now that life is calming back down a little, I should be able to update you more often on Marley! We've been going to puppy Star classes, week 4 tonight. Marley can pretty reliably sit (well the smart girl learned that the first day!), down, and up. She'll walk nicely without the leash but we're still working with it on. We've been hiking, meets lots of people--lots coming and going this past weekend!, found a GREAT pet sitter for midday visits when we both work, go to puppy play group occasionally--although there is a 25lb weight limit that I think she'll outgrow soon!, visited the vet a couple times for shots (she's a star there too "soo soft" "she's so sweet"), walked around Portland a few times, including on a Saturday to see lots of various people just coming and going, been to work at some of the assisted living places I work at (she's makes her greetings then lays nicely at my feet and naps), and just trying to incorporate new things for our happy puppy. Marley is well liked by all!--and once someone says her name is happy to flop for a belly rub!
We also received a note from Yvonne, who has Gillis (another Maine pup. She wrote:
Hello Ladies--I thought you'd like some new Gillis pictures. He has been going to obedience class, but is not impressed. He loves seeing the other dogs and would rather romp with them than heel. In fact, when he thinks he's had enough "obedience" he just lies down on the floor and won't get up or move--passive aggressive. The instructor says he is strong-willed, but we knew that before going there! Otherwise he is happy and healthy. He loves going in the car, thank goodness, and loves chasing leaves and eating apples off the lawn. It's hard to keep him away from the mushrooms that spring up in our woods this time of year. Since I don't know what they are and whether or not they are poisonous, I don't let him eat them. I have to do mushroom patrol each day otherwise he gets mad at me when I beat him to them and destroy his chances of eating them. He loves to play and has to be near one of us, usually me. He and Charles were playing the other day and Gillis had gotten hold of a towel. Charles tried to get it away from him and, of course, he started pulling and "growling" so Charles did the same and showed him his teeth. Gillis dropped the towel. Charles thought that was great! Maybe a new way of disciplining? Ha!
It's so good to hear how the "children" are doing, but I do know that it is hard to find the time these days to write, let alone get a few pictures together. Our congratulations to Laurie and Nelson, Marley is a lucky pup!
I'll post more pictures as I receive them.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Blessing of the Animals
Gillis on Cadillac Mt.
Satchmo enjoying a bone.
Ava's song "I'm so pretty, oh so pretty"!
Well, today was Blessing of the Animals at our Church in Hopkinton, NH. I ended up taking pictures of all our animals, as the Boys were with Alice, and Ranger is always too much for me when we socialize. Rosa was all set to stay home with a large raw bone so she and Ranger could have "brunch" with Dad while he read the paper, but she "decided" that we should go so she could see CATS. Of course once she saw the cats, she was a maniac, so spent the time in the car! I did bring pictures of all of our animals and had them "blessed" in abstentia. It was a fun morning.
We have had reports on most of the pups, so I'll post a few of the notes today.
Ava, our NJ girl, has moved in with Emily in Mass. She is wonderfully social, very smart and "Knows" she is Queen! We are all trying to go to the Pet Expo Oct 25th..if you want info, email Emily at , and she will give you the particulars.
This is from Gillis's mom (Bar Harbour, ME) "As I said, he is getting bigger. He now is able to stand on his hind legs and see what is on counters and tables. Last weekend he wasn't right in the room with us (he always needs to be with "the folks") so I went looking for him. There he was, on the dining room table. When he saw me, he ran to the other end, snatched a bunch of napkins out of the napkin holder as he whipped by, and dove off the end of the table and hid behind my chair. I was laughing so hard I couldn't discipline him! He is very good about going into his crate at night and in the morning we now have a routine. I open the door and he comes out and sits between my feet so that I can pet him and tell him how wonderful he is. Then he needs three belly rubs (He stops at the same three places every morning) before he will go downstairs to go out."
Satchmo, in Mass, has really settled in. He is a big boy, and just loves life. He has a large extended family who adore him. He is learning "manners" and loves walks. According to his Dad "He now weighs close to 28 lbs more or less as I was holding a squirming IWS, so who really knows. He is doing well with training, walking on his leash (treats really did trick). We think that he finally figured out that rocks are not worth eating and mushrooms can make you ill..(he is just so smart). He sits, stays briefly, does down, paw and comes when he feels like it (I am working on that). During the summer he found that he loved the beach and ocean, and running in and out of the waves, he was really good about coming on call out of the surf. As you can tell from our comments we like him a lot we just can't wait for him to get over chewing what he should not (we are working on that also)."
We have heard from Sophie's parents, in Maine, and she continues to delight her family! Our California Dude caused the comment from his "Dad", "I had forgotten how much energy a pup has and how much you need to keep up with him!".
Harley is enjoying life, he is laid back, happy to do everything or nothing, what ever suits the moment. Topper on the other hand loves "a job"! He enjoys our classes, as he sees what his job is and does it happily. He brings back the ball, the bumper and looks for the praise. One really funny moment happened this week up at Marion's. Ranger has a "lady friend" in for breeding and I had gone up with all the dogs to see about the "wedding". Topper and Harley sat at the fence and watched as Ranger licked his lady from stem to stern and then back again. So having watched this they both started licking each other and then turning back to watch "Grandpa" do his was like they were in "class" and had to take notes. I just laughed and laughed!
All in all, this group of brothers and sisters are a wonderfully happy energetic bunch. I'll post comments as they come in.
Talk to you soon.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Classes Have Begun
Jane, Harley, Pam and Topper are busy learning.
Harley is the social one- he is trying to get this pretty lady to play!
The front door to our "class" - all set for Halloween already!
Class is fun, just have to dive into it!
I'm sorry that I have not been a good correspondent, but life has been full recently. Topper and Harley have been experiencing many different settings these past two weeks. First of all they continue to go to camp with Alice and Paul on the weekends. They are "enrolled" in puppy play school twice a week, and this week we added puppy obedience class. My friend, Jane O'Connor, a wonderful doggy person who has 3 "babies" of her own, consented to come with me each Tuesday for these classes. That way both dogs will get the full benefit of the hour long class. This past Tuesday was the first class! Well, now I know what being joined at the hip feels like! Topper and Harley wanted to be with me. Harley did alright with Jane, but Topper screamed as if we were taking his legs off whenever I moved out of range. Harley wasn't as vocal, but he made his objections known when he couldn't see me. Jane, bless her heart, worked patiently with Harley and with Topper when we tried to switch off. Both dogs did sit for treats and we are practicing "getting their attention" by saying their name and then treating. The lessons to be learned this week are attention, name and no snapping at the treat! Well two out of three "ain't bad"! A woman who's husband was in the class took a bunch of pictures for me, but we were too far away for any really good shots, but I put them on anyway!
I have heard from Gillis' parents (Bar Harbour, ME) and he is growing, healthy and very happy. Dawn - new name is Marlie- is enjoying her life outside of Portland ME. Sachmo, who lives in Weston, MA, is really enjoying life. His parents have a beach house and he has spent the summer running in the waves and loving every minute. Ava, our NJ girl, is going to live with Emily in MA. Emily is our handler and she co-owns Ava with Greg (NJ). Our Canadian boy, Oden, is very happy--seems he spends many days at his "Aunt's" doggy boutique. Our California "dude" is busy re-training his people--he was the one with the silver collar that we thought would make the best hunter, as he was always ready to work! Sophie in ME continues to be the light of her owners life and absolutely knows that she is a princess! The only people that we haven't heard from recently are our girl's parents in PA, but then they have school, job etc to keep them busy, not to mention learning what our girl wants.
By now everyone probably has had their second visit to the vets for the second vaccination. Hopefully all went well with those. Harley and Topper love our vet, he gives treats- lots of them!
I'll try to get some more news for next blog entry.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Harley and Topper
Topper on the Rocks--he is quite the swimmer!
Topper and Harley pose for pictures.
First time on a boat! Alice gets a big thank you from Harley!
Travis has his hands full with Harley and Topper at Puppy Playschool!
I just had to post some of the pictures of Harley and Topper. They had a wonderful time with Alice, Paul and their family this weekend at the lake. They took their first boat ride, enjoyed swimming and generally were the center of attention for 48+ hours. Tough life eh?
On Tuesday they went to puppy play group, and yes I forgot my camera #@!@#*. But when I picked them up (they go 1/2 day) the report from Travis was that they raced around and had a great time.
I promised to tell you about my "re-entry" into the Rally ring after being away from it for 4 months. Well, the old saying that pride goes before a fall certainly applied!! Rosa blew me off in spades!!!! She checked out every blade of grass, watched every cloud and smiled the whole time! But never fear, we will return! I have "us" signed up for classes and our goal is to complete the Novice Rally level by the end of October, and go on....and yes I am polishing off some of my more colorful language learned in the Emergency Department during high stress times (lol). Even my police experience doesn't match that level.
I'll keep you informed as Harley and Topper will be going to classes too. I might even learn some words in another language.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Gillis Loves Maine
Gillis and his Dad
Time for a nap Gillis
Life can be rough!
If you load this thing correctly, it really works.
I am including part of the email that we received from Gillis' parents. Apparently he is having varied experiences and tons of fun.....(From Yvonne) Hello All--I wanted to give you an update on Gillis. His first week was a busy one. After acclimating to the house and yard his social life improved. He was introduced to all of my colleagues at work--and they were all there that day. He made a big hit. We took him shopping so he could meet people and see cars and hear noise. He was not impressed. He greeted people on his belly and then peed when they petted him so he is definitely not an aggressive dog. On Saturday he went to a party with about 80 people--kids and adults--and one dog whose attitude basically was, "go away kid, you bother me." Gillis tried to be friendly but she was having none of it. He was, however, the hit of the party and this time he did not crawl on his belly but ran to greet people. He was such a good dog all afternoon--many people complimented us on how good he was. Today we took him for a walk around a nice neighborhood where he encountered a golden retriever, and they were trying to out-subservient each other. Gillis obviously was not the alpha dog in the litter. He is going to a barbeque tonight at Acadia National Park so we will see how that goes. He's turning into quite the social butterfly....she went on to say that he loves food, is sleeping through the night, but is afraid of the dark, won't go beyond the "circle of light" when she takes him out before bed. I have posted the pictures sent and you can see he is really enjoying himself.
Hope to post other stories tomorrow.
Monday, September 7, 2009
She's a Mainiac!
Dawn's now a Mainiac!
Tessa and Thomas and their Mom enjoy the Train.
The Merry-Go-Round was fun too!
It looks like a dog, Thomas, but it's really a goat!
Our Dawn went to her new home in Maine this Saturday. Her new owners, Nelson, Laura and Justin met me at a Dog Show in North Conway, NH. Rosa, Dawn's Aunt, was entered in Novice A Rally (that's another story!) and Harvey and Topper were going to "Lake Club Med" with Alice who was also showing there. Dawn had a bath and smelled wonderful. She had on her new collar, and she had her favorite toy and blanket with her, and then Harvey "lost his breakfast" during the ride to North Conway and Dawn was suddenly covered with "uck" and smelled worse!! I did try to wipe most of it off, but you know how that is...a small cloth, some water from a jug and a squirming pup...oh well, she still looked cute. It's always hard for me to say good bye, but being able to meet with such wonderful owners has helped. We hear that Gillis is settling in just fine, and our Canadian boy, Gideon, is really enjoying being at the "boutique". California boy hasn't had any blond streaks put in, but settling in was the first priority. Sophie is as smart as a whip and wowed everyone with her immediate response to "sit" when she went to the vet to be weighed and checked over. Sachmo, our biggest male, who went to Massachusetts, is the center of attention and loves his life. Our NJ/RI girl is the queen of the shop (her owner owns a grooming shop) and her life is full. Our PA. girl's family has been busy, but we hope to get some pictures of her soon. I will post the pictures as soon as I get them.
I hope you have had a wonderful long weekend. Labor Day is always bitter sweet, as the "end" of summer, but actually some of the best weather days are ahead of us! I went with my daughter and the twins to our local "state fair". It was a blast to be with the twins as they looked at all the pretty lights, rode the little train and merry-go-round, and petted the animals at the petting barn. Football has also started and I'm the "nurse" for our local team, the Redhawks. In the league you have to have a medical person on the field, so it's been fun cheering for my grandson and his friends....keeps one young!
As soon as I get pictures I'll post them. Oh yes, and I'll tell you about rally and going back to basics and class!
Talk to you soon.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Gillis sends His Love
The perfect toy to chew--helps the gums too!
Here you go Dad, maybe next time a ball?
Just got some wonderful pictures of Gillis and had to post them. Sounds like he is enjoying his new family as much as they are enjoying him. He sleeps through the night, plays with his "parents" and is enjoying his life!
The Three "Moosekateers"
Now this is a forest!
I don't need any swimming goggles, I can see just fine, thank you!
Boy, look at Mom go!
Couldn't resist a little NH humor in the title this morning. The three pups, Topper, Dawn and Harley spent yesterday afternoon and last night with me at my home. My husband, Mike, is having a ball with Dawn. She knows how to bat those big brown eyes! Marion has her house to herself for a few days. Our local "Doggy Day Spa" has puppy play school, so the three of them will go to school probably on Friday..and yes, I'll get pictures of the "first day of school"! My grandchildren will be over to play with the pups on Thursday, as our school system shuts down Thursday, Friday and the long weekend due to the State Fair held in our town.
The pups had a ball as usual this weekend at "Lake Club Med" as you can see by the pictures. We should all have this much fun!
Today I am working with the lead and collar, so they don't do the "puppy flip" every time they have to be on lead. Alice and Kayla, and Rosa and I will be at a Rally Trial this weekend and the pups will be going also. Alice said that the pups are welcome to go to camp with her after the trial, and it looks like a perfect weekend, so we'll do the swap at the show.
We got a wonderful email from the Davis' who have Gillis. He is thriving and enjoying his new home. He apparently does not appreciate the recent heavy rains. Yvonne told a cute story of taking him out to "potty" and him standing under her between her legs so this "Irish Water Spaniel" didn't get wet!! What a hoot!
Hope you all have a great Labor Day Weekend. I'll post pictures of the pups as I get them.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Gillis "Flies the Coop"
Hey guys, did you pack my bone?
Yvonne and Gillis
We're leaving now, right?
Today Gillis left for his new home in Bar Harbour, Maine. Yvonne and Charles Davis drove the 6 hours in Tropical Storm Danny to pick him up. We had a lovely visit and Gillis was very happy to see "Mom and Dad". His tail never stopped wagging. After he and his family had gone, Alice packed up Topper, Dawn and Harley and off to "Lake Club Med" they went. It's scary how quiet it is here in Bradford....time for a nice hot cup of tea and a good book! Our good friend Amie (another IWS owner) is here and she has the tea seeping, so I'll close.
Talk to you Monday.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Cow Pie Bingo
Eating in the Kitchen.
Everyone has their own bowl!
Just a little NH information. The small town north of Bradford, North Sutton, is holding "Old Farm Days" this Saturday and one event is Cow Pie's held in a barn and cows walk through...and yes, the floor is marked and the square where the cows leave a "deposit" is called out and bingo is most of you are just dieing to play (lol)!! We are thinking of taking the pups, but they will be at "Lake Club Med", so they'll miss that lesson in life.
Feeding is becoming easier. They actually are eating from their own bowls, and occasionally will switch, but for the most part seem happy to have their own dish. Marion sat outside with them this afternoon and they played happily while the lawn men cut the lawn around them...they did go into the run while the very back was cut, but no one seems upset or frightened by the noise of the mowers.
Ranger and Rosa spent the day at their play school, but came up to be with the pups around 4pm. They all spent an hour racing around the yard, charging through the tunnel and jumping in and out of the puppy pool. We didn't go down to the swimming hole as the temperature is going to be in the high 30's tonight and I didn't want them to still be wet!! Go figure, NH weather really does change drastically from hour to hour some times.
Well, Saturday Gillis is going to Bar Harbour, Maine. He has never been in the ocean so it will be interesting to hear how he adapts. We will miss him, as he is a fun pup and enjoys everything about life...he even learned to "sing" when Ranger and Rosa started to howl/'s a haunting sound that they make, very Irish!
I'm going to ask the puppy owners to send some pictures so we all can Ohhh and Ahhh over them.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Photos from Canada
Mr. Dog and his new toys and bed.
Mr. Dog and his play area at the bay.
Mr. Dog relaxes and enjoys the view.
Monica, Mary Katherine and Mr. Dog wait for the plane home.
Mr. Dog exchanges his American money for Canadian money at the local bank.
Our friends, Monica and Sylvia sent some great pictures from Sydney, Vancouver Island, BC. Monica has a "Boutique" for animals, so Sylvia's little boy, Mr. Dog, and Monica's Mary Katherine are kept in the latest toys, and could wear the latest fashions should they choose to. Monica's Mary Katherine is the latest star at her Boutique and is learning how to "wear the crown"!
Enjoy the pictures.
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